
Tula Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Tula, Russia.

Aerial panoramic image of Tula.

Tula is a city in Tula Oblast, 185km away from Moscow. The population is over 400,000 people.

Sex Scene and Prostitution

Prostitution is illegal in Russia, but the fine for prostituting is symbolic and amount to from 1500 to 2000 Russian rubles (about 30-40 euros). This sum is less than many Russian prostitutes earn for the standard for Russia one-hour work. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the sexual practice is widespread and so blatant in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and every other major Russian city.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Tula. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

There are many spots for prostitution in Tula and sometimes hookers move around in order to avoid police raids. So if you saw a prostitute in one spot yesterday, it may be empty tomorrow. The most popular place or a local Red Light district is located on the Lenina avenue.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

There are many places where you can pick up a street prostitute in Tula. Some of them are the monument to Lev Tolstoy, Moskovskyi railway station, the Drama theatre. If you don't want a dirty street sex, try local brothels. The most beautiful and healthy girls wait for clients in massage parlors and strip clubs.

Street Hookers

The cheapest prostitutes are street hookers. If you pick up a girl from the street who will do a blow job in your car, it will cost as cheap as 500 rubles (8$). There are 3 types of blow jobs that they do: with a condom, without one and a deep BJ. A classic sex is the most popular service among street prostitutes. You can have sex in a car as well or take her to the nearest hourly hotel. This will cost you about 2000 rubles/34$ for an hour.

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

There are a few strip clubs that you may want to go to in Tula. Some of them offer only strip show and ability to spend magical minutes with the dancer you like in a private room. Others are really big entertainment complexes that offer everything for a great night out: alcohol from all over the world, exquisite European and Chinese food and fruit hookahs. You will not see a regular striptease on a stage, instead you will see a whole show, a breathtaking performance set by playful naughty ladies.

  • Зажигалка, Boldina street 45 (улица Болдина, 45), tel.: +7 800 333 88 68, website: russtriptease.com, working hours: 22.00-6.00
  • Fusion, Kaminskogo street 24a (улица Каминского, 24а), tel.: +7 953 957 22 92, website: fusion71.ru, working hours: 11.00-6.00
  • Сахар, Boldina street 33 (улица Болдина, 33), tel.: +7 (4872) 71 11 51, website: saharclub71.ru, working hours: 20.00-6.00


The fastest and the most comfortable way to have sex with a prostitute is to go to brothels. Their address can be found on specified websites and even on walls and trees around the city. A pimp will ask available girls to come out to you one by one and introduce themselves. Once all of them are lined up in front of you, you can choose one you like the most and proceed with her to a private room for an hour or more.

Erotic Massage Parlors

Tula offers a few places to go for a good relaxation session: parlors and individual masseuses. Through centuries soft touching of professional masseuses in parlors have given men a heavenly pleasure and an erotic massage session is the best way to end your day. You will never regret visiting an erotic massage parlor in Tula. Here you will be met by a receptionist who will get you acquainted with the list of services and working girls. You will find both classic offers like relaxation, Thai, foot and head massages and more unusual extra services on demand like hot oranges and stone massage, whipped cream, fetish and massages with elements of BDSM.

  • Студия Эстетической Релаксации, Gorodskoy lane 17 (Городской переулок 17), tel.: +79307911097, website: http://www.relax71.org
Prices start from 1600 rubles/26$ for an hour.

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

Don't believe if someone tells you that a beautiful and intelligent prostitute costs unbelievable amounts of money. In Tula you can find hot girls with whom you can both have sex and talk after you are finished for a reasonable price. In order to meet with such a girl, you need to call the number you find on the Internet and agree to come to her place or invite her to yours.

Transsexuals / Shemales

There are websites for transsexuals in Tula. Here you can find a crossdresser, register your own profile and read news about transsexuals. If you find someone you like, contact him/her and agree to meet in a real life to get to know each other better. If everything goes well, you can even have sex that same night.

Gay and Lesbian

Local prostitutes provide sexual services both for men and for women. An average prostitute has 60 clients per month, 50 of which are men and 10 - women. Men can find gays willing to have sex on dating websites. They post their profiles with pictures and short descriptions of themselves and what they are looking for here. If you ask, they may even share with you their intimate photos through private messages.

Sexual Services for Women

Among the many prostitutes working in Tula, there are some men willing to have sex for money. These machos do not stand on streets, they post their profiles with pictures of their abs and penises on sex-related websites and wait for calls. Some of them work on in-calls, but most of them prefer to come to a woman's place or a neutral place like a hotel.

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

If you want to experience unusual feelings and make your sexual life more diverse, a sex shop is a place you should go to. Here you will find a range of classical products such as condoms, vibrators and vaginas and some unique and even crazy looking toys, designed to bring pleasure to you and your partner. There is one big chain of sex shops in Tula with stores located all over the city:

  • Интим 11 минут
    • Krasnoarmeyskyi avenue 34 (Красноармейский пр., 34), tel.: 8 (903) 841-11-88
    • Oktyabyrskaya street 1 (ул. Октябрьская, 1), tel.: 8 (487) 247-77-04
    • Тsiolkovskogo street 3 (ул. Циолковского, 3), tel.: 8 (487) 233-11-88


There are a few options to stay in Tula: a hotel, a hostel and a private apartment. Hostels are designed for budget tourists and usually have only basic accommodations. Consider them as a place where you can bring a prostitute for an hour or two. Hotels and private apartments are more suitable if you want to stay in the city for a long time. Owners of private apartments don't care about your guests and hotel's staff can pretend they don't see your visitors if you leave them a tip.

Stay Safe

Tula is a nice and safe city. Every year local government implements new ideas in order to make the city even better and safer. Nevertheless you should avoid walking alone in dark and abandoned areas and don't visit local pubs and bars on weekends because very often people get drunk and start fighting there.

See Also

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