Sumy Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Sumy, Ukraine.
Sumy (Ukrainian: Суми [ˈsumɪ], Russian: Сумы) is a city in north-eastern Ukraine, and the capital of Sumy Oblast (region).
- 1 Sex and Prostitution
- 2 Where to Get Sex Now
- 3 Red Light Districts
- 4 Prostitutes and Sex Workers
- 5 Street Hookers
- 6 Strip Clubs & Lap Dance
- 7 Brothels
- 8 Erotic Massage Parlors
- 9 Escort Services & Agencies
- 10 Transsexuals / Shemales
- 11 Gay and Lesbian
- 12 Sexual Services for Women
- 13 Sex Shops and Adult Stores
- 14 Sleeping
- 15 Stay Safe
- 16 See Also
Sex and Prostitution
Prostitution in Ukraine is illegal but widespread and largely ignored by the government. Sex tourism rose as the country attracted greater numbers of foreign tourists. Sumy is a big city and it attracts thousands of tourists every year.
Where to Get Sex Now
It is easy to get sex online in Sumy. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!
Red Light Districts
Local prostitutes do not stick to a certain place, they rather move around. This movement helps them to escape from being caught by police and find more profitable spots for prostitution business. Some of the prostitutes come out on streets when it gets dark, some do at the time when people come back home from work (about 18 o'clock) and some start working late at night (22-23 o'clock). If you drive around the city for some time, you will definitely find one soon.
Prostitutes and Sex Workers
Sumy is an important city of Ukraine and many people come here to visit either for sightseeing or for doing business. Many of them decide to use an opportunity to get to know sweet and beautiful Ukrainian women better. Some do it just out of curiosity, while for others it's almost like a hobby. If you have enough time, you can discover all sorts of prostitutes in the city from cheap street hookers to intelligent and nice-looking women from escorts.
Street Hookers
Hookers who work on streets come out only when it gets dark and stay there until about 2 am. There is no point in parading streets till dawn, because there are no clients after 2 am anyway. Street prostitutes always know nearby places where you can go for a quickie like a park or garage complex and can tell you addresses of hotels or apartments where you can go for an hour or two or even a whole night. Street prostitutes are quite flexible about their pricing.
Strip Clubs & Lap Dance
If you want to receive both sexual and aesthetics pleasure, you should visit a local strip club. These venues have strict dress codes and they will not let you in if you are dressed like a sportsman or like you are on your way from a beach. Strippers on stage do not undress completely, in the end of the show they are left just in their panties. And if you want to see more and even touch, kiss and finger a stripper you like the most, you should order a private dance in a VIP room. If you do so, then you and the stripper will be left alone in a big isolated room with leather couches and this pleasure will last for two songs. A private dance in local venues costs about 400 hryvnas/15 $.
- Gentelmen club «Mon Amour», Voskresenskaya street 6 (улица Воскресенская, 6), tel.: +380 (50) 188-82-80, +380 (73) 188-82-80
- Entertainment complex «Сан-Ремо», Pokrovskaya square 2 (Покровская площадь, 2), tel.: +380 542 70-07-07
Usually brothels offer a range of prostitutes to choose from. Depending on when you come, there can be from none to a dozen of prostitutes available. Brothels are different and in order to find what suits you the most, you can ask a taxi driver. These guys always know all or almost all local houses of love. If you don’t see anyone you like, you can simply walk away and find a different hotel. An average price for one hour of sex is 400 hryvnas/15 $.
Erotic Massage Parlors
Charming and beautiful masseuses of local erotic massage parlors look forward to making their guests happy. Spend you holiday or a business trip at the highest level. We have created all conditions for the most comfortable and enjoyable stay for you: cozy apartments, an atmosphere of confidentiality and anonymity, charming professional masseuses who know everything about erotic massage and how to make a session memorable... Every session ends with a shower with a masseuse and a tea ceremony on demand.
- Major, Ivana Sirka street 19 (вулиця Івана Сірка, 19), tel.: +380 96 310 4610
- Ego Studio, Ivana Sirka street 19/2 (улица Демьяна Коротченко, 19/2), tel.: +38(095)081-38-15
Escort Services & Agencies
Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.
Escort agencies offer all sorts of girls that you can imagine: light- and dark-haired, skinny and stout, young innocent newbies and mature experienced women. Each agency has a catalogue of working girl that includes information about every hooker. This will help you to choose the one you like the most and once you made a choice, you should contact the agency and make an order.
Transsexuals / Shemales
You can find transsexuals on local forums and private groups. They take time to create profiles on these websites in order to find a person who would fit their requirements. Most of them are looking for fun or for a way to relax and almost none of them want a sincere long-term relationship.
Gay and Lesbian
Gays and lesbians also post their profiles on social networks and forums. Some of them are looking for a one night stand and some want a serious relationship. You can find out their intentions from descriptions in their profiles or write them a private message. Some of local prostitutes provide sexual services for women too.
Sexual Services for Women
Sumy offers male escorts for women travelers too. Here you can find all sorts of men (young, mature, sporty, tender, brutal and many more). You can ask them what type of experience they have and tell them your preferences. If the answer satisfies you, you can arrange a meeting in a hotel or an hourly apartment. Prices for male escorts are not much different from female's ones.
Sex Shops and Adult Stores
When it comes to choosing supplementary products for your sexual life, you can choose to head shopping to an offline adult shore or to choose goods from the Internet. The first option has inevitable advantage of letting you see and touch products yourself and using help of professional consultants if you need it. On the other side, a choice of products in such stores depends on the size of the store and, therefore, can be limited. Online sex stops have unlimited choice of products for sex and pleasure, but delivery may take several days. If you decided to choose offline stores, go here:
- Клубничка, Kooperativnaya street 9a (вулиця Кооперативна, 9а), tel.: +380 50 451 8019, website:
- Sex Shop, Internatsialistov street 21 (Интернационалистов, 21), tel.: +380 68 33 187 00, website:
Sumy offers a lot of hotels to stay in. Some of them are located near the railway station, some are in the city center and some are in distant sleeping areas. You should choose a hotel depending on the purpose of your visit. If it is a sex tourism, then you should choose a hotel in the city center, because all of the entertainment venues are located here. Also, local prostitutes often hang out near popular hotels, thus saving your time for calling one in. Depending on a class of the hotel, you will have to register your night guest or simply give a tip to a receptionist.
Stay Safe
Sumy is a more or less safe city with certain dangers. Public places are usually safe and most of the venues like restaurants and clubs are equipped with cameras that protect you. Abandoned, dark and distant areas are not that safe, therefore you should avoid them, especially when you are alone. It is recommended to use a reliable taxi service in order to move around the city. Another option is to ask a concierge to call a taxi for you. Do not forget to apply common sense and you will be fine in the city.
See Also
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