
Karaganda Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

Nurken Abdirov Street at the corner of Gogol Street.

Karaganda or Qaraghandy (Kazakh: Қарағанды/Qaraghandy [qɑɾɑˈʁɑndə]) is the capital of Karaganda Region in Kazakhstan. It is the fourth most populous city in Kazakhstan, behind Almaty (Alma-Ata), Astana and Shymkent.

Sex and Prostitution

In Kazakhstan prostitution itself is legal, but acts facilitating prostitution, such as operating a brothel or prostitution ring, are illegal. Forced prostitution and prostitution connected to organized crime are prohibited. Prostitution is a serious problem. NGOs reported that criminal prostitution rings often included local law enforcement officials.

Prostitution became widespread in many big cities lately. Usually prostitutes work in hotels, night clubs or saunas. Also, local classified newspapers typically have a whole section dedicated to escort services. Many sex workers in Kazakhstan are in fact from neighbouring less economically developed states such as Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Karaganda. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

Street prostitutes from Karaganda tend to spend their time looking for clients on highways leading to the city. This way they can attract people who do not go directly to the city, but pass it. Usually they come out at noon and stay there till a deep night or even sunrise.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

You will find prostitutes of all types ages and here: shabby street ones, average ones from brothels and the most upscale ones from massage parlors, strip clubs and escort agencies. The worse her quality is, the lower the price will be and the less satisfaction you will receive, though everything is individual.

Street Hookers

Only women of the lowest class become street hookers. Often they don't have a family, they are not educated, often they live in hardships or even have a debt that they have to pay back. All these conditions make girls go out on street and sell their bodies. Majority of them are not experienced and do not take proper care of themselves.

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

A typical strip club in Karaganda is designed in red and black colors, it's dimly lighted, has couches instead of chairs and a stage either in the middle of the hall or in the back of it like in a theatre. While guests watch a show, smily waitresses bring delicious meals and fine alcohol. Such places are designed for people who don't want the night to ever end! Even after the strip club is closed, a guest can take a stripper he likes to his apartment or a hotel room to have some private time together.

  • Fata Morgana, Erzhanova street 31/2 (ул. Ержанова, 31/2), tel.: +7(7212)43-43-24, working hours: Wd-Sa 21:00–05:00
  • Luna, Shakhterov avenue 36/4 (проспект Шахтёров, 36/4), tel.: +77212403139


A brothel is a good old way to relax and jerk off. Whore houses have appeared on the territory of modern Karaganda way before massage parlors and strip clubs did. Many prostitutes start their career in brothels and end it on streets. Here you can find decent women for affordable prices. Normally you will be asked to take shower and then led to a separate room where a mistress will be waiting for you.

Erotic Massage Parlors

Local masseuses consider erotic massage something more than just a way to relax, they find it an art. Local erotic massage parlors have different programs on their lists, but all of them go far beyond simple relaxation massage. Here you can find something exotic like a peep or a lesbian show, massage with fruits or whipped cream, massage with hot wax or stones, massage for a masseuse, massage with 2 masseuses and more. Everything depends on your desires and amount of money you want to spend.

  • GQ men's club, Lenina avenue 81/3 (просп. Ленина 81/3), tel.: +7 700 586 8351, working hours: 11.00-4.00
  • EGOIST, Erubaeva street 35 (ул. Ерубаева 35), tel.: +7 702 444 4325, working hours: 11.00-23.00
  • Tolero, Yaroslavskaya street 3 (ул. Ярославская 3), tel.: +7 775 667 8489, working hours: 00.00-24.00

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

Local escorts are oriented on rich businessmen, usually foreigners, who can afford to pay a high price for an intelligent and beautiful woman who knows how to make a man happy. Some of them are international prostitutes and they do not work in Karaganda, they escort clients to abroad trips only. A price for a prostitute from the escort starts from 100$ for one hour, but you will receive a real diamond!

Transsexuals / Shemales

Transsexuals in Karaganda find couple through online resources like the one below. You can simply write a message with description of whom and when you look for or surf through already posted messages.

Gay and Lesbian

There are even more websites, designed for homosexuals to be able to meet, make friends and love. Some of people you will find here look for a one night stand, and some are serious in their search and look for a long-lasting serious relationship. You can easily understand what they look for by a description in their profiles. Usually gays and lesbians from such websites won't ask you for money, but at the same time won't mind if you offer some.

Sexual Services for Women

It is not a problem to find a call boy in Karaganda. They do not work for escorts, they work for themselves, some of them even do it for free. Such men offer escort and sexual services for rich women through advertisement boards and sex forums. Few of them include their photos, but you can always ask for one through private messages.

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

There is a chain of sex shops in Kazakhstan that has a range of basic products and fetish accessories for people willing to make their sexual life more diverse. Here you can find condoms and lubricants, strapons and vaginas, pumps, vibrators and anal stimulators for him and her. Extras include beautiful sexy lingerie, BDSM and fetish accessories and costumes for role games.

  • Flirtshop
    • Bukhar-Zhyrau avenue 86 (Бухар-Жырау проспект, 86)
    • Yazeva street 14/1 (Язева, 14/1)
    • "Magic" mall


Karaganda offers more than 50 hotels of all sorts. They range from cheap hostels where many people share the same room to luxurious hotels with full service. Tourists who've been to Karaganda say that there are only 30 hotels that are worth staying in and you can find them through trip advisor. Normally staff won't mind you bringing a night guest in, unless she looks really terrible.

Stay Safe

Karaganda is called a mining capital of the country. The most dangerous district is Maikuduk (Майкудук). Locals say that some people have literary disappeared there! It is highly recommended to avoid this region, even if you are with friends, because it is hard to say what actually happens there. Other than that, the city is more or less safe, but you should be cautious, do not walk by yourself and try not to attract unnecessary attention to yourself.

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