
Arkhangelsk Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Arkhangelsk, Russia.

View of Arkhangelsk at night.

Arkhangelsk (Russian: Арха́нгельск; IPA: [ɐrˈxanɡʲɪlʲsk]), also known in English as Archangel and Archangelsk, is a city and the administrative center of Arkhangelsk Oblast, in the north of European Russia. It lies on both banks of the Northern Dvina River near its exit into the White Sea.

Sex Scene and Prostitution

Prostitution is illegal in Russia, but the fine for prostituting is symbolic and amount to from 1500 to 2000 Russian rubles (about 30-40 euros). This sum is less than many Russian prostitutes earn for the standard for Russia one-hour work. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the sexual practice is widespread and so blatant in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and every other major Russian city.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Arkhangelsk. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

You will not find a Red Light district in Arkhangelsk, you will barely find street prostitutes here at all. These girls are not tied to a specific location, they "migrate" from place to place in order to find higher profits or to escape rom being caught by police.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

Sex and prostitution scene is not as flourishing as in big cities like Moscow, but you can still find some real gems here. Sex workers are mostly of poor or an average quality, which is just enough for local men. A foreign sex traveller should choose the best possible escort in order to make his trip unforgettable.

Street Hookers

Amount of street prostitutes decreases every year. Severe weather conditions, standing on feet every day and a risk of being caught and fined push prostitutes away from streets. They find shelter on the Internet, where they can “filter” clients and agree on suitable for both sides conditions. Hookers who still stay on streets are desperate and look terrible.

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

There are no strip clubs in Arkhangelsk. Admirers of a striptease culture can ask a prostitute to dance a striptease for him. Some of the individual prostitutes can perform such service, but you should ask about it when arranging a meeting in order not to be disappointed later.


You will not find brothels in their classic form here. They operate from under the table, because this business is illegal. If an owner of a brothel is caught, he will have to pay a fine and shut the venue down. Therefore, participants of this business prefer to keep quiet and give their contacts only to trusted people.

Erotic Massage Parlors

Erotic massage in Arkhangelsk is a sensitive and relaxing massage. It is a flow of inspiration and rejuvenation of both a body and soul. You will hardy be able to compare this type of pleasure with something else in his world. Local masseuses are experienced and friendly girls who know how to make a man satisfied. The main purpose of erotic massage is to release a client from physical tension and bring him a mental balance. It can be a classic, Thai, lingam, express, double or any other type of massage. There are no parlors in Arkhangelsk, local erotic masseuses post private ads and serve clients either at home or go to the client's place.

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

Ads of escort agencies can be found on the Internet. Those are either big agencies with 10-15 working prostitutes that are managed by a pimp or a mamka (a middle-aged woman, a Russian version of a pimp) or 2-3 prostitutes grouped together who live and work in one place. In order to call a prostitute in or meet with her somewhere else (these agencies sometimes provide apartments for sex or a couple can rent an hourly hotel), you need to call the number and describe to the pimp the girl you want to have.

Transsexuals / Shemales

There is no transsexual escort. You will have to ask a crossdresser to come from another city or meet him in a different place.

Gay and Lesbian

Homosexuals created their own websites for finding other homosexuals who are bored or look for love. Some of them are not serious in their search and only want to have sex (just a case for a sex traveller) while others are searching for a relationship.

Sexual Services for Women

A nice and friendly foreign sex traveller will definitely make friends with local men. Many of them don't mind flirting and even having sex without responsibilities. Some of them are gentlemen and won't ask for money, but others will expect a woman to buy him presents or leave pocket money.

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

There are 2 offline adult stores, and many online ones that offer a delivery to every place in Arkhangelsk. You will find everything you may need to make your sexual life more diverse when surfing through the online sex shops. Everything depends on preferences of you and your partner. Stores offer a variety of vibro stimulators, realistic dolls and falloimitators, vaginas and sexy underwear.

  • Игрушки для взрослых, Sadovaya street 9 (ул. Садовая, 9), tel.: 8 (818) 265-59-98
  • Казанова, Voskresenskaya street 105 (Воскресенская ул., 105), tel.: 8 (906) 280-91-91


It is easy to find a place to stay in during your trip to Arkhangelsk. It can be either a hotel or a private apartment. As it can be seen from the name, the apartment option offers more privacy. This is especially important for a sex traveller who doesn't want his partners to be seen. It is also easy to bring a prostitute to an average hotel. Sometimes they will even be knocking at your door in the middle of the night.

Stay Safe

Arkhangelsk takes place in the state program "Safe city" and becomes safer every day. The point is the following: cameras are installed in all public places and if a crime takes place, it will be solved right away and a criminal will be punished. If a foreign tourist wants to stay safe during his trip to this city, he should hang out only in public places and use a taxi when moving around.

See Also

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