
Vitebsk Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Vitebsk, Belarus.

Downtown of Vitebsk.

Vitebsk or Vitsebsk (Belarusian: Ві́цебск, Łacinka: Viciebsk, pronounced [ˈvʲitsʲepsk]; Russian: Витебск, pronounced [ˈvʲitʲɪpsk]), is a city in Belarus.

Sex and Prostitution

Prostitution is illegal in Belarus. However prostitution is present in the country, particularly in regions outside the main cities and in hotels.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Vitebsk. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

Street prostitutes of Vitebsk can be found on highways leading to the city. Moskovskyi avenue (Московский проспект) can also be considered as the Red Light district. Usually sex workers come out on streets late at night and sometimes during the daytime.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

There are many prostitutes and at the same time many lonely women willing to meet with a man (especially a foreigner) for a quick affair or a long-term and serious relationship.

Street Hookers

Local street prostitutes are just terrible. Decent women don't work on streets, they prefer to rather sell their bodies through the Internet or brothels. The ones you will find on streets look ugly, often they are drunk or high. Absolutely not recommended.

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

There are 2 strip clubs in the city that are in fact big entertainment complexes and striptease is only a part of what they offer. These venues consist of several floors that lets you enjoy the view from different angles. A public area can fit up to 100 watchers, while VIP rooms are designed for a guest and a stripper only.

  • Vintage, Lenina street 33a (ул. Ленина, 33а), tel.: +375 (29) 719-99-09, working hours: Mn-Su 12:00–06:00
  • Планета, Stroiteley avenue 3 (пр-т Строителей, 3), tel.: +375-21-228-72-72, working hours: Mn-Su 18:00–06:00


In many cases saunas work as brothels. When coming to a steam venue, ask an administrator if a sex worker can be brought over. Usually he has a full portfolio of working girls or at least their phone numbers or numbers of pimps.

Erotic Massage Parlors

Services of erotic massage can be bought through advertisement boards. They are sold exactly like any other service. Such web platforms allow you to look through all masseuses-freelancers who offer such services, read information about them and feedbacks from previous clients. Once you've chosen the one you like the most, contact her to set a meeting.

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

Calling a prostitutes is the most popular way to find one. A lot of prostitutes prefer to work on calls, because this way they feel more secure. It is recommended to "order" prostitutes from sex related websites where you can read their profiles and see photos. Otherwise, you may end up receiving a cat in a sack.

Transsexuals / Shemales

You can find transsexuals in the city or ask a prostitute to act like one. It is also possible to find them on local sex forums and private groups in social networks.

Gay and Lesbian

Some people call Vitebsk as the city of homosexuals, which means that your chances of finding one are very high. You won't find them on streets, they meet people and share their contacts through online sex related websites.

Sexual Services for Women

A woman can also find a lover on social networks and dating apps. A faster way is to go to an entertainment venue and pick a man there. This is a common way, because alcohol and lounge atmosphere stimulate people to relax and look for an affair. Among popular places is:

  • A restaurant Золотой Лев, Suvorova street 20/13 (ул. Суворова, 20/13)

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

All sex shops order free delivery if your purchase is higher than a certain sum of money. Besides, the delivery is fast and 100% anonymous and a lot products will come with quality and guarantee certificates.


Around hotels and in a lobby you will find women looking for sex for money. They have to hide because of the fear of being caught by policemen working under cover. Security guard will not help you with finding a prostitute, because they are not allowed to do so. But if you come with a prostitute and tell them that you have accidentally come across a person you knew and ask to register her, they will do that.

Stay Safe

Vitebsk is not a very dangerous city, it is actually not much different from many other European cities. In order to make your trip safe and enjoyable you should be watchful, do not trust foreigners and do not follow them to places you don't know, try to pay with a card instead of cash and always use means of protection when having sex with a prostitute.

See Also

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