Oskemen Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Oskemen, Kazakhstan.
Oskemen (Kazakh: Өскемен/Öskemen, ؤسكەمەن) or Ust-Kamenogorsk (Russian: Усть-Каменого́рск) is the administrative center of East Kazakhstan Region of Kazakhstan. It is served by Oskemen Airport.
- 1 Sex and Prostitution
- 2 Where to Get Sex Now
- 3 Red Light Districts
- 4 Prostitutes and Sex Workers
- 5 Street Hookers
- 6 Strip Clubs & Lap Dance
- 7 Brothels
- 8 Erotic Massage Parlors
- 9 Escort Services & Agencies
- 10 Transsexuals / Shemales
- 11 Gay and Lesbian
- 12 Sexual Services for Women
- 13 Sex Shops and Adult Stores
- 14 Sleeping
- 15 Stay Safe
- 16 See Also
Sex and Prostitution
In Kazakhstan prostitution itself is legal, but acts facilitating prostitution, such as operating a brothel or prostitution ring, are illegal. Forced prostitution and prostitution connected to organized crime are prohibited. Prostitution is a serious problem. NGOs reported that criminal prostitution rings often included local law enforcement officials.
Prostitution became widespread in many big cities lately. Usually prostitutes work in hotels, night clubs or saunas. Also, local classified newspapers typically have a whole section dedicated to escort services. Many sex workers in Kazakhstan are in fact from neighbouring less economically developed states such as Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
Where to Get Sex Now
It is easy to get sex online in Oskemen. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!
Red Light Districts
Oskemen doesn't have any Red Light district. There are places, liked by local street hookers, but they do not stay in one place. Though prostitutes can not be arrested, local police officers and NGOs constantly try to make them leave this business and lead a normal life. Whores find it irritating and that's why change their location from time to time. You can find them on streets in the city center (especially near popular entertainment venues), near bus stops and gas stations.
Prostitutes and Sex Workers
You will find a lot of sex workers in Oskemen, since prostitution itself is allowed in the country. Young women become prostitutes when they turn 18, they say that poor financial situation makes them do so. Although, you will find that some of the prostitutes are nice girls, who love sex and money and they do this for fun and may refuse to serve you if they don't find you attractive.
Street Hookers
There are many prostitutes on streets of the city. Though police officers can not fine or punish them, they keep track of sex workers and hold educational and psychological conversations with them regularly. Medical workers give out free condoms from time to time.
Strip Clubs & Lap Dance
There are several strip venues that invite bored and lonely men to have fun and watch an impressive show in the evening. Strip clubs in Oskemen go far beyond dances with undressing. Here you can find a lot of extra services like playing pool or cards with a stripper, a dance on your table or lap, taking part in a performance on stage, getting undressed by a stripper on stage and, of course, a private dance in a VIP room. You can also ask for a stripper's phone number to agree to meet with her later.
- Zebra, Potanina street 15/1 (Потанина, 15/1), tel.: +7 (7232) 52‒62‒08, working hours: every day 21:00–06:00
- Staver, Auezova avenue 22 (Ауэзова проспект, 22), tel.: +7 (7232) 25‒29‒27, working hours: every day 22:00–06:00
- BIKE CLUB, Kabanbai Batyra street 70 (ул. Кабанбай батыра, 70), tel.: +7(7232)20-68-80, working hours: every day 20:00–05:00
Prostitutes from brothels work both on in calls and out calls. You can come to a brothel and have sex there (usually you will not be the only person to have sex there at a time) or take her to a sauna, summer residence, hotel room or your own apartment.
Erotic Massage Parlors
A foreign sex traveler may be disappointed to find that there is no erotic massage parlor in the city. Good news is that he will find many individually working prostitutes who eagerly do massage for an extra fee. Some of them have certificates that prove their qualification, while others are self-taught.
Escort Services & Agencies
Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.
Becoming a part of an escort is considered a success for a prostitute since only intelligent nicely-shaped women are allowed to work in escorts. If you want something more than a fast fuck, then you should definitely spend an hour or a whole night with a prostitute from an escort. These hookers are skilled and experienced and they will show you new ways and techniques of receiving pleasure. Their contacts can be found on sex-related websites and in local newspapers.
Transsexuals / Shemales
Nowadays practically everything can be done if you have money. A transsexual can be "ordered" from an escort agency. Prepare to wait and pay more to receive a transgender lover.
Gay and Lesbian
Kazakh authorities allow homosexuals to date and even get married, but not all of the local citizens are okay with that. You should be fine in a big city like this and around adults, but if you go to a rural area or expose love with a same-sex partner in front of teens or elderly people, you may get in trouble. So, do not be too open about your sexual nature.
Sexual Services for Women
There are no male escorts in the city. If a woman sex-traveller is sweet and attractive, she may be able to find a partner herself without having to turn to professionals for help. But if she doesn't want an amateur around, she can order a man from an escort from Almaty or Atyrau.
Sex Shops and Adult Stores
There are two stores - representatives of one chain of sex shops in Oskemen. A range of goods that you will find here can absolutely satisfy basic needs of a curious sex traveler. Apart from simple condoms that you can find in every drug store, there are lubricants, strapons, vibrators, vaginas and anal stimulators. You can also find things that will tickle your feelings like whips, ropes and cuffs, and sexy lingerie.
- Доктор Любви:
- Ordzhonikidze street 48 (ул. Орджоникидзе 48), tel.: +7 705 607 3618
- Burova street 61 (улица Бурова 61), tel.: +7 771 435 2484
Oskemen offers about 20 hotels for guests of the city. They range from small cheap hotels where you can have only basic accommodation and no meals included. Such hotels cost about 5$ per one night. On the other side you will find nice and even fashionable hotels with room service, meals and security guard. Prices for one night in such a hotel start from 15%. You will not have problems with bringing a prostitute into your hotel room, especially if you are generous.
Stay Safe
A year of 2017 became a year of safe roads for Oskemen. The government launched a new program, according to which all main roads were repaired and all traffic police workers were taught to increase their qualification. That's why you should feel safe when traveling to Oskemen, as its government worries about safety of its citizens and guests of the city and improves living conditions regularly.
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