
Namangan Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Namangan, Uzbekistan.

Flag of Uzbekistan

Namangan (also in Uzbek: Наманган) is a city in eastern Uzbekistan. It is the administrative, economic, and cultural center of Namangan Region.

Sex and Prostitution

Prostitution in Uzbekistan is illegal but sometimes prostitutes work with police to avoid being arrested. Prostitution has been blamed for a rise in AIDS.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Namangan. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

Namangan doesn't have a Red Light district. Local prostitutes tend to hang out in crowded places where their chances for finding a good client are high. Popular places in the city center and the local market should be starting points for your search.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

There are 4 types of prostitutes:

  1. Young women who only start their "career" and work part-time. They dream of saving some money and going abroad;
  2. Women in their late 20s and early 30s, for whom prostitution became a full-time job, though they still hope to leave this business and get married;
  3. Mature women for whom selling their bodies is the only way to survive. These women are full of diseases, often they are alcoholics and drug addicts. Absolutely not recommended.

Street Hookers

Usually prostitutes from streets belong to the first and the last type. They are either inexperienced or mature and sick. This is rather an option for a fast and cheap sex. If you have a car, she can eagerly serve you there for a few bucks.

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

This is the only striptease club in the city. It is not as fashionable as strip clubs in big European cities, but you can still find everything that you want here: naked women spinning on poles and walking around the venue, fine alcohol and good local dishes. It won't be a problem to spend some time with the masseuse in private, just don't be too public about it if you don't want to attract unnecessary attention.

  • XXL, Dustlik avenue 7 (проспект Дустлик, 7), tel.: +99893-915-9901


A typical brothel is an apartment with two or three or four rooms located somewhere deep in a sleeping area. Sometimes women work and live there at the same time. You can find a brothel through your local friend, a taxi driver or an ad in a local newspaper. Once at the place, ask all available girls to come out and show themselves. In case you don't find anyone you like, feel free to walk away.

Erotic Massage Parlors

Masseuses-freelancer from Namangan work on out calls. Basic services include classic relaxation massage, Thai massage, a "branch of sakura" massage and a happy ending. Extras may include vaginal and anal sex, different shows, whipping and whatever comes on your mind if a masseuse agrees to do it.

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

Prostitutes from escorts are very skillful and they can do many things as long as a client is ready to pay. First of all, they can accompany clients to social events and what comes after the event is absolutely up to the prostitute and the client. Possible services include a blowjob with and without a condom, vaginal and anal sex, group sex, golden rain, BDSM and fetish games and so on.

Transsexuals / Shemales

There are no transsexuals in the city. You can find a virtual company on sex-reated forums and websites.

Gay and Lesbian

The same situation is with homosexuals as you won't find them in the city. You may be able to find a gay or a lesbian from a different city through a private group on a social network.

Sexual Services for Women

A pretty woman doesn't have to order a man from an escort agency (moreover, she won't find one in Namangan). Instead, she should join a dating website to meet a local man whose intentions are the same.

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

Basic good and exotic accessories for sex can be ordered through numerous adult web stores that offer delivery to Namangan. The choice includes condoms of all colors and sizes, strapons, vaginas, lubricants, vibrators, anal stimulators, water pumps, all sorts of toys, BDSM elements like ropes, whips and cuffs, underwear for him and her and even sex dolls that look like real!


The city offers about 10 hotels for staying, among which you can choose one that suits you the most. They differ by size, quality, level of respect and prices. If you want to have a private trip without being watched, you can rent a private apartment or a house from a local citizen.

Stay Safe

The city is very warm and inviting. It also has a lot of sights which is good for a tourist. You can either walk around by yourself or stick to a group with a guide. Walking by yourself is not dangerous too - streets of the city are always full of policemen who take good care of order and safety of citizens and guests of the city.

See Also

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