
Andijan Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Andijan, Uzbekistan.

Flag of Uzbekistan

Andijan (sometimes spelled Andizhan in English) (Uzbek: Andijon/Андижон, ئەندىجان; Persian: اندیجان‎‎, Andijân/Andīǰān; Russian: Андижан, Andižan) is a city in Uzbekistan. It is the administrative, economic, and cultural center of Andijan Region. Andijan is located in the south-eastern edge of the Fergana Valley near Uzbekistan's border with Kyrgyzstan.

Sex and Prostitution

Prostitution in Uzbekistan is illegal but sometimes prostitutes work with police to avoid being arrested. Prostitution has been blamed for a rise in AIDS.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Andijan. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

A Red Light district of Andijan is located around its local market. Usually prostitutes from all over the city start waiting for clients here and then spread out around the city in search of better opportunities or get picked up for the rest of the night.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

A lot of women living in Andijan become prostitutes. Most of the local men leave their home city or even county to earn money abroad. They leave women alone and they are often compelled to sell their bodies to provide own living. Surprisingly, a lot of these women think that this is quite normal.

Street Hookers

A night with a street hooker costs around 15$, but you can negotiate the price down to 5$! Keep in mind that during weekends' nights prices are twice higher: from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday. A general rule is the cheaper the prostitute, the sicker she is.

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

There are no strip clubs in the city. If you want to drink, have fun and meet people, you can go to one of the night clubs or bars and if you want to watch striptease, you should ask a prostitute to dance for you. Some of them have dancing among other skills.


There are 3 types of brothels:

  1. Luxury brothels that are located in private, often two-storied, apartments. They are filled with expensive furniture, often have a a pool and a sauna. You can not come here by yourself, you need to have a recommendation from a local man.
  2. Budget-friendly brothels. They are more humble, located in studio apartments or small houses. Usually there is a bed and shower in this apartment.
  3. The worst type is a shabby hut with just a mattress and a candle. Here you can have sex for a bottle of vodka.

Erotic Massage Parlors

Erotic massage services are provided by individually working prostitutes and masseuses. Often the masseuse turns her apartment into a cabinet where she invites clients. Besides a relaxing and sensual rub with a happy ending, you can receive extra services for extra money: cum on her face for 20$, a blowjob without a condom for 30$, a role game for 40$ and so on.

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

About 40% of all prostitutes work as individual prostitutes or in escorts. You will find all sorts of women working in escorts of Andijan: prostitutes from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyztan, Tadzhikistan and even from Russia, Greece, Turkey, Korea and Germany. Keep in mind that "white" and "European" women cost more. Often they don't know English, except for maybe a few phrases, but it should not be a problem since prostitutes do not talk much anyway.

Transsexuals / Shemales

There are no transsexuals in Andijan, neither in escorts, not among locals. Such behavior is extremely despised among locals.

Gay and Lesbian

Gays and lesbians do not show their sexual nature in public, they rather hide it and prefer to meet people who have the same sexual orientation through closed web communities. This is one of such communities where you need to register before meeting someone:

Sexual Services for Women

A woman sex traveller can easily find a local man willing to have sex without responsibilities. But she should be extremely careful with this man, because he can be connected with criminal activity. It is recommended to bring this man over to your hotel, where you can feel safe.

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

A sex traveller who looks for diversity should get acquainted with the range of products offered by online adult stores. Since there is not sex shop in the city, this is the only way to shop for sex-related accessories. Products of the first necessity like condoms and potency pills can be bought from drug stores.


You will find 4 good hotels in the city and a lot of small hostels and private houses and flats for rent. Hotels are comfortably located, expensively furnished and have all the necessary commodities. Normally you can bring prostitutes over, especially if you are nice with the staff, but prepare to pay more for staying in such hotels.

Stay Safe

The city used to be dangerous some years ago, now the safety situation is getting better and better every year. Though there are no terroristic actions going on, the city is still quite poor and a lot of citizens are desperate for money and a rich foreigner may become an easy target for them. That's why you should always keep your purse in front of you, watch your belongings, do not bring much cash with you and try to avoid desolated places.

See Also

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