
In Thamel district in Kathmandu, Nepal you can find dozens of tourist restaurants clustered in the Thamel district serving everything from Middle Eastern to Mexican food. Indian and Nepali dishes are always the best tasting and the best priced. At night time prostitution can also be found from this touristic area.


In Thamel, Katmandu you can find many massage parlors. Not all of the massage shops sell erotic massage or sex, but there are some that sell sex. There are also some transsexual prostitutes in Thamel, but it is not as common as the female prostitution. Sex in Thamel massage shops cost around 20 usd to 50 usd.

Transsexuals / Shemales

During the day Tridevi Marg is the gateway into Thamel, the tourist district of Kathmandu. At night it becomes one of the largest transsexual only prostitution turnarounds in Asia. Diagonally from the American embassy and right in front of the education ministry, customers and prostitutes alike line up in the late evening hours.

Many of the sex-workers have their own transportation. They come on a motorcycle, cruising up and down the street. Many clients come in cars, negotiate a price with the sex-worker and take them way to their home or hotel. All the customers I observed that night seemed to be of Nepali origin.

Transsexual prostitutes make much more money than female prostitutes here in Nepal as they are considered more of a novelty. A female sex worker may make as little as 20 Rupees ( 20 cent ) for an encounter while transsexual sex workers often earn in the thousands.

Laws and enforcement about being homosexual or transsexual are still shady in Nepal. Sexual activity between two men or women can still lead to an arrest if discovered. Several times during my evening of investigation a police car drove by which made the sex-workers scatter frantically within seconds. Prostitution is illegal in Kathmandu but with a small bribe a police officer will swiftly look the other way. The chief officer responsible for Thamel is said to have received large sums of money over the year to keep dance bars open and to ignore organized prostitution.

See Also

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