Male prostitution in Estonia
Wiki Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Estonia.
Male prostitution in Tallinn
Male prostitution in Estonia is quite more hidden and taboo issue in mass media and society. It is no estimation how much young guys work in sex business, even work in abroad. In Estonia it is mostly concentrated in Tallinn.
In biggest brothels and clubs in Tallinn it is possible to “order” the male prostitute, mainly man working for the female clients, but also for men. If you read newspaper ads and online ads, you can find out that in Tallinn at the moment there is brothels, where the boys provide sexual services only for men proposing in their adverts massage, escort etc. They constantly put work announcements on gay or date web pages, spread their stickers in gay sauna, clubs, and hotels. Also in Tallinn, there is 2 to 4 saunas, massage saloons where sex workers from both genders provide sexual services for clients - men and women, depending from the client wish. In general prices for male sex worker services is little bit bigger then a female prostitutes.
It is comparatively remarkable number of advertisements in Internet - from the unambiguous proposal various kind of sex services for money to request for dating with wealthy guys, who have no problem with financial resources and can “support” them. Sometimes young men through the Internet search for older men, who can finance their studies, pay for apartments or cover their debts, proposing to pay, having sex relations (temporary or longer period of time) with them. Also some young boys search for the jobs in travel, model agencies, striptease bars and ask for the roles in pornographic movies. Quite often were observed proposals for anal and oral sex without protection for a bigger amount of money. Very common also advertisements of clients, including foreigners, in Internet with the promises to pay for guide, escort services for young guys during weekends.
Because of very small gay scene in Estonia - the only cities, which have some gay bars and clubs, are Tallinn and Tartu - a lot of young guys, including students during the weekend come to Tallinn for few days. Sometimes in Internet they suggest to pay for getting them by car to capital having sex with client, sometimes they ask about place to stay for some nights and promise to pay having sex with owner of apartment.
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