
Gomel Sex Guide advises where to find sex, working girls, prostitution, street hookers, brothels, red-light districts, sex shops, prostitutes, erotic massage parlors, strip clubs and escorts in Gomel, Belarus.

Sovetskaya street, Gomel

Gomel (also Homieĺ, Homiel, Homel or Homyel’; Belarusian: Го́мель, Łacinka: Homiel, pronounced [ˈɣomʲelʲ], Russian: Го́мель, pronounced [ˈɡomʲɪlʲ]) is the administrative centre of Gomel Region and the second-most populous city of Belarus.

Sex and Prostitution

Prostitution is illegal in Belarus. However prostitution is present in the country, particularly in regions outside the main cities and in hotels.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Gomel. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

Red Light Districts

Street prostitutes are the easiest to pick up. Their favorite place or a so-called Red Light district of Gomel is a highway leading to the city. Their main target is truck drivers who pass the city. Having sex in a car is a common practice.

Prostitutes and Sex Workers

Night butterflies of Gomel are women from 18 to 40 years old. They can be divided into two major parts: professionals and not professionals. The first part includes single mothers and students with higher education, while the second one includes young girls from technical schools and first years of college.

Street Hookers

If you are in search of crazy actions and sharp emotions - hook up with a prostitute from streets. There is no need in taking her to a hotel or apartment at all, she can satisfy you right behind the corner or in a car! Prices of street hookers are the lowest and negotiable. You can find a hooker for 10$ for one hour!

Strip Clubs & Lap Dance

Men come to strip clubs to watch a beautiful show and relax. Besides an exciting show, guests can enjoy fine alcohol from all over the world, a mixture of Western and Eastern cuisine and smoky hookahs. After watching a show of the night in a public area, clients are welcome to spend time with strippers they like in private.

  • Хазар, Internatsionalnaya street 45 (ул. Интернациональная, 46)


Probably a half of all prostitutes of Gomel work in brothels. Here you can find both experienced sex workers and ones who only start their career in this business. Brothels are usually located in sleeping areas and run by a mamasan. Sometimes they will let you take prostitutes out if you want. Whores from brothels cost from 50$ for one hour.

Erotic Massage Parlors

On this website you can find a lot of masseuses who differ by figures, hair color and by techniques they know. Some of them do traditional relaxation massage and some are skillful to provide Eastern types of massage as well. All of them use a lot of oil and may use additional tools on demand. It depends on her desires and your negotiation skills.

Escort Services & Agencies

Finding an escort when you’re travelling can be a bit tricky. An ideal alternative to escorts is a girl who is looking for a mutually beneficial relationship. There are thousands of horny girls willing to do anything for a generous guy. Click Here to hookup with a beautiful young woman now.

A choice of prostitutes from the Internet is very diverse. You can find sex as cheap as 20$ for one hour, but it will usually include only classic sex. Usually prostitutes ask extra payment for a blowjob and double payment for anal sex. BDSM and fetish games are discussed separately and prostitutes prefer to do such things only with clients they know.

Transsexuals / Shemales

Local men prostitutes confessed that sometimes clients want them to dress as women and act this way during sex, that's why finding a crossdresser or asking a prostitute to be one is easy.

Gay and Lesbian

Prostitutes from brothels and prostitutes-freelancers from Gomel seem to be absolutely careless about what and how to provide sexual services as long as a client pays money. Men serve men and women serve women and can perform gay and lesbian shows as well.

Sexual Services for Women

Male prostitutes don't parade streets of Gomel, they prefer to work as freelancers. You can find them in local night clubs, through sex forums and advertisements in newspapers. An hour with a hot gigolo costs from 25 to 40 dollars.

Sex Shops and Adult Stores

Local sex shops offer locals and visitors of the city to come over to the venue and shop there and to surf through their websites, and pick products you like. Here you will find basic things like condoms, lubricants, various stimulators (including vibrating ones), pharmacy like pills and scents and extra accessories like cuffs, whips and costumes for role games.

  • Gomel sex shop GSEX.BY, Rechitskyi avenue, 'Pyaterochka' mall, 3rd floor (Речицкий проспект 65, ТЦ 'Пятерочка', 3-й этаж), tel.: +375 29 633-41-61, website: GSEX.BY
  • Sex shop love18.by, Katunina street 3 (улица Катунина 3), tel.: +375 29 174-52-63, website: love18.by


The city offers dozens of places to sleep in for travelers. Tourists whose budget is tight will find decent hostels that cost from 15$ per one night. Though such places do not offer special treatment, they are clean and satisfy basic needs. Tourists with unlimited budget can choose luxurious hotels that cost 100$ per one night and offer all sorts of entertainment.

Stay Safe

Remember that the prostitution business goes hand in hand with HIV and STDs. Local government and medical institutes try to solve this problem by holding conversations and giving out personal means of protection for free, but results are very small. According to the statistics, 70% of local prostitutes carry all sorts of infections.

See Also

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